Raising Our Hands
As a family, we have seen first-hand the amazing services Community Living Central York provides for those with developmental disabilities in our community. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we wanted to help spread some smiles and cheer amongst CLCY's residents. As Community Living has had to close their facilities, people like our Aunt Joan and Cousin Brad are isolated and as we were missing school and our friends, we have a little bit of a feeling of how lonely it can be.
In supporting the #raiseyourhand campaign, we hand packed a special box for each of the 125 residents of Community Living which included a "Raising Our Hands" t-shirt and supplies for all residents to decorate as their own, a decorate your own cookie kit and toys. Each resident had one week to decorate their t-shirt and celebrate their friends and the staff at Community Living Central York.
On June 13, 2020 at the Aurora Community Centre Parking Lot, we invited all CLCY residents to our "drive by parade" to celebrate Community Living's staff and residents, with everyone dressed in their decorated shirts! It was amazing to see how proud everyone was of their shirts and to celebrate how we were Raising Our Hands for Community Living. On top of our generous corporate sponsors covering all event costs, and with the support of our local community, we were able to raise $10,000 directly for Community Living! Thank you to everyone who supported and raised your hands with us